An Assessor Office is responsible for appraising the taxable property in an area in order to calculate property taxes in Noble County, Ohio. As part of this job, Noble County Assessors maintain detailed county and local maps, including Geographic Information Science (GIS) data. These Noble County GIS maps typically include property divisions, plots, buildings, property appraisal values, and property taxes. They may also include public property, parks, roads, place names, bodies of water, and other local geographical information, as well as flood zones, county zone lines, and school boundaries. These maps can be useful for a number of reasons, including buying and selling property. Assessors may provide online access to their Noble County GIS data on their websites.
Noble County Auditor's Office Caldwell OH 200 Courthouse 43724 740-732-4044 Suggest Edit
A Clerk Office maintains public records for a county or local government, including GIS data in the form of maps. These GIS maps provide detailed information such as property boundaries, roads, public property, parks, and in some cases, population and demographic information. GIS data can also show Noble County property value assessments, property taxes, flood zones, zoning boundaries, and earthquake zones, as well as place names, bodies of water, and other geographic information. Clerks may also have historic GIS maps from the USGS or other organizations. Noble County GIS data is often accessible through the Clerk Office website.
Caldwell Clerks Caldwell OH 215 West Street 43724 740-732-2053 Suggest Edit
Noble County Clerk Caldwell OH 305 Courthouse 43724 740-732-4408 Suggest Edit
A Recorder of Deeds keeps real estate documents to ensure the accuracy of property and land records in Noble County, Ohio. In addition to filing deeds that provide information on property sales and transfers, Recorders of Deeds also have detailed county and local maps, including Noble County GIS data. These maps can include property lines, building information, unclaimed parcels, property value assessments, and property tax information. They may also show Noble County place names, flood zones, zoning boundaries, neighborhood lines, bodies of water, and other geographic information. The Recorder of Deeds may provide access to GIS data on its website.
Noble County Recorder of Deeds Caldwell OH 43724 Route 260 43724 740-732-4319 Suggest Edit